So another season commences. First things first:
1. The Event Calendar has been updated - go to Event Calendar to see this year's timings.
2. We are in the process of updating our Incorporated Society status - expect more information soon. It should not impact the season.
3. Part of this has meant we have changed our financial year to ending on 31 December and our AGM has been moved to the end of February. This will allow us to set fees, set requirements for the coming season, close to the beginning of the season.
4. AGM set for Monday 17 February HBHS Pavillion at 7:00 pm
5. This year, due to us renewing our Incorporated Society status - we need to update all co-ordinators information for all schools. Therefore, could every school complete and return the "Coordinator's" form as soon as possible. If there are any changes please advise the new co-ordinator. If there is no change, please still complete and submit the form with appropriate inforamtion. Thanks.
Link to co-ordinator's form Click here.
More information:
All printable forms, documents and online forms are now listed in the documents and links page (all in one place).
Click here for all final divisions and KO Cup results - in one place!
Congratulations to St Pauls Senior Girls 1st XI winners of the WRA Fairplay Award for the 2023 season.
Steve Schooley